Oscar Wilde Playing Cards Presentation Set (Red Box)

by France Cartes for David Westnedge Ltd., 1986
Cat Ref: 13683


OSCAR WILDE PRESENTATION SET (Red Box) - see item ref 10203 for more illustrations of cards
Country: GB - Westnedge  
Subject: Literature  
Type: Non-standard M-O  
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Details: Elaborate scheme devised by Richard Ellmann, Wilde's biographer, whereby Hearts represent Instigations, Clubs are Images, Diamonds are Complications, and Spades are Happenings in his life. Original artwork by Rosita Fanto using limited range of colours - black, white, gold, red, green - to great effect. Fully illustrated. Stunning pack. The presentation set contains two full packs of cards plus a beautiful concertina-style book with illustrations of all the cards and accompanying quotations from Wilde's works. Numbered edition. Presentation box available in wine red, green or lilac (please state colour preference when ordering)

2 x 52 cards + 2 Jokers + 2 additional cards + book

This page last updated: 30/10/2004