Germany - FX Schmid

F.X. SCHMID was absorbed by SPIELKARTENFABRIK ALTENBURG (S.A./A.S.) some years ago and is now officially part of the CARTA MUNDI (of Belgium) empire. Few of its designs are still available and most are likely to sell out soon. The only notable exception is their Bavarian pattern, though SCHMID's version of this pattern now carries the A.S.S. logo. (Cat Ref 13863)

See the front page of the standard regional patterns catalogue (click 'Regional' on the banner above) for more details about the growth of the CARTA MUNDI empire.

Click on the picture or the title of the pack to see more information and more pictures where available. From the item page, use the underlined links to find more packs from the same publisher or on the same subject.

  Alte Bergmann-Karte 
by F.X. Schmid.
Cat Ref: 10239

36 cards 


  Multi Cards 
by F.X. Schmid
Cat Ref: 11844
Cat Ref: 11844DBL